User Guide for Registration

  1. Go to click "Connect Wallet". Get your Xumm wallet ready on Mobile.

  1. QRCode scanning window will be popup, use your Xumm wallet to scan the QR code and wait for a moment to connect.

  1. In the search bar enter your desired .xrp name and it will show the status of blue as available and red as registered.

  1. Please check the price in the "Price by number of characters" list. If you agree, please press the "Register Now" button and wait for the completion of three steps. You need to transfer the correct amount according to the price list. Smaller amount transfers will not be recognized by the system and considered as a contribution to us.

Payment: The buyer must connect their Xumm wallet and confirm a single payment transaction to purchase .xrp. It is important to ensure that the wallet has sufficient balance and is connected to the correct network (mainnet).

Mint: After the payment is confirmed, the system will mint the .xrp (which typically takes 1-2 minutes), in case there is an error, the buyer can check in the "Domains Pending" section on the dApp and proceed to complete the minting process for this.

Transfer: Once the minting process is complete, the system will send a request to the buyer's Xumm wallet. The buyer must Accept this request to transfer the .xrp io their wallet and establish ownership. Alternatively, they can confirm the request later by checking the "Incoming Domains" section on the dApp.

Video tutorial to register XRP Domains

Last updated